At its meeting on October 2nd, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners adopted several changes to the County’s Development Regulations regarding stormwater management. The changes included modifications to existing definitions and to the water quality BMPs. These changes reflect the county’s desire to encourage redevelopment activities within the County while also upgrading detention facilities and other BMPs in areas already developed. The most notable portion is the elimination of language in Section 8.9.1 a(ii) that included “the creation of or replacement of 5,000 sq.ft. or more of impervious surface” or that involved “other land development activity of 1 acre or more” during redevelopment. The changes also included the creation of credits and volume decreases for TSS reductions for stream restoration and habitat improvement projects. For a complete list of revisions please click on the document below:
Gwinnett Development Regulation Amendments for Stormwater Management