The proposed amendments include the following rules for electronic signs.
They can be freestanding only, not wall signs or canopy signs.
They can only display static messages with no movement or flashing or variation in light intensity.
They have to have a sensor to detect changes in the ambient light level.
Only properties with 200 feet of road frontage can have an electronic sign.
Messages must display for at least 20 seconds.
Brightness limited to .2 footcandles above ambient light measured at 125 feet or .1 fc above ambient light measured from a residence.
The off premise non conforming sign exchange program for electronic signs is basically three non conforming signs in exchange for one electronic sign. Messages must display for not less than 10 seconds. Signs can be .3 fc above ambient light measured at 100 feet for signs less than 100 square feet, measured at 150 feet for signs from 101 – 300 square feet, and measured at 250 feet for signs greater than 300 square feet. The distance requirement between off premise signs is 5000 feet if they are on the same side of the road, 1000 feet if they are facing the same way regardless of location (eg around the corner).
Memo from Rob Hosack regarding the proposed amendments
Proposed Sign Ordinance amendments
The proposed amendments go to the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday the 25th for first reading. Adoption is anticipated for September 8th.