Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission Releases New Erosion, Sedimentation, & Pollution Control Plan Checklist Documents

The Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission has released the revised version of the ES&PC Checklist.  This revised checklist is an attempt to bring together all of the different regulatory checklists that are mandated by GA EPD, GASWCC, and all other regulatory agencies into one comprehensive document.  The GASWCC has released this guidance document to help explain the changes that were made to the previous checklists.  There are three accompanying checklists that are to be used for Common Development, Infrastructure Projects, and Stand Alone Projects.

New ES&PC Checklist Guidance Document

Common Development Checklist

Infrastructure Projects Checklist

Stand Alone Projects Checklist



Final Draft Permits for Public Comment

Stand Alone Permit

Common Development Permit

Infrastructure Permit

Public Notice
Power Point Explaining 2008 Revisions
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet Addendum
2008 NPDES Fee Form