The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Planning Rules Task force met for the third time on October 18th. This group is responsible for evaluating the current rules for local comprehensive planning, developments of regional impact and solid waste management. The task force will suggest revisions to the current rules in order to make the planning process more efficient and effective for local governments.
At the most recent meeting, the task force began focusing on the local comprehensive planning requirements. Some local governments around Georgia have expressed the current comprehensive planning process is cumbersome and expensive. Issues with the local comprehensive planning process were identified and discussed. Several attendees suggested establishing minimum planning requirements for local governments all around the state while providing regional flexibility so the different regions could determine what planning requirements are necessary for the area they are located. The next task force meeting will continue studying the local comprehensive planning process at the next meeting on November 15th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the DCA Board room. You can learn more at the links below.