The final two ordinances of the building permit reform package unanimously passed the Atlanta City Council on November 7th. Ordinance 11-O-1293, establishing an Enterprise Fund for the Atlanta Office of Buildings, and Ordinance 11-O-1504, authorizing the Chief Financial Officer to transfer funds from FY 2012 general fund anticipations and appropriations to the Enterprise Fund, passed the full council by a vote of 12-0.
The passage of the building permit reform package is a momentous victory for the Atlanta Office of Buildings and the development community. The Council for Quality Growth has been an integral part of the advancement of this legislation since its inception. We would like to congratulate Atlanta Office of Buildings Director Don Rosenthal, Planning and Development Commissioner James Shelby and their staff for all of their hard work. We would also like to thank Mr. Steve Roos, Mr. Scott Selig and the rest of the Council for Quality Growth’s Atlanta Advisory for their leadership and diligence on this important issue.
You can learn more about the Enterprise Fund legislation at the links below.