The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) has completed an economic analysis of the 2012 Regional Transportation Referendum highlighting positive impacts in the region through 2040, including:
- 4 to 1 return on investment
- Creation & support of 200,000 regional jobs, including;
- The creation of 34,000 new construction jobs
- $9.2 billion in travel time savings
The additional funding which would be provided by the 2012 RTR is necessary because the current source of transportation funding, which comes from gasoline taxes, is in decline. At the current funding levels over 70% of transportation funding over the next 30 years will devoted solely to maintenance, leaving only a small portion available for expansion projects.
On July 31, 2012 voters in the Atlanta-Metro area will have the opportunity to vote on the 2012 Regional Transportation Referendum (RTR). The 2012 RTR will raise $8.5 billion over the next decade which will fund transportation projects across the Atlanta-Metro area. Funding will be acquired through a one-percent sales tax increase over 10 years.
To see the full press release, click HERE.