Throughout last year, Council members and staff, along with the Metro Atlanta Real Estate Trade Group (MARTG) have met with city staff on multiple occasions in order to advocate for a balanced approach to stormwater management that does not hinder new economic development, or more importantly, redevelopment in the City. City staff and Council for Quality Growth members worked diligently over a ten month period to incorporate changes in the ordinance that was passed out of the City Council.
The City of Atlanta is developing a series of workshops to educate developers, contractors, builders, design engineers, landscape architects, plan expediters, and other development professionals about the green stormwater infrastructure and new requirements in the City’s new Post-Development Stormwater Management Ordinance.
Friday, March 15: Overview of the New Requirements (See the flyer HERE)
Tuesday, March 26: Stormwater Management for Home Builders (See the flyer HERE)
April 2013: Technical Workshop for Engineers and Landscape Architects
June 2013: Vegetation and Soil Mixes