City of Atlanta Seeks Comment On Reducing Waste and Increasing Efficiency

On April 2nd, Councilwoman Mary Norwood brought to light the city’s ongoing request for public input on reducing city waste and inefficiencies. The initiative, which will be accepting comments and recommendations for three weeks, is part of a larger plan to pass a $150 to $250 million bond referendum to finance infrastructure projects throughout the city.

In order to effectively identify and highlight potential cost savings to the City of Atlanta, the Mayor recently appointed a 16-member Commission on Waste & Efficiency. This Commission is made up of several City Councilmembers, Norwood included, and other business leaders such as Delta Air Lines CEO Richard Anderson and Invesco President & CEO Martin Flanagan. From the comments and ideas that are received from the public, the Commission will provide recommendations on how the city can better manage its resources in order to support a large investment in much-needed infrastructure.

With the creation of the Waste and Efficiency Commission, Mayor Kasim Reed hopes to gain valuable citizen support in order to pass the potential bond referendum aimed at addressing the estimated $900 million infrastructure backlog. The referendum would finance a multitude of projects ranging from traffic light synchronization to streetscape improvements and faces public approval as early as next year.

To view more information on the city’s Waste and Efficiency Commission, clickHERE.

Anyone interested should submit their comments TODAY