- Chair: Clyde Higgs, Atlanta Beltline*
- Vice-Chair: Gerald McDowell, ATL Airport CIDs*
- Kimberly Adams, Crown Castle
- Taylor Anderson, Blue Landworks
- Kerry Armstrong, Pope & Land*
- Michelle Arrington, Verizon Wireless
- Riley Blount, AT&T*
- Senator Brandon Beach, True North 400*
- Sofia Bork, Truist
- Mitchell Braun, Asana Partners
- Kelley Brown, CBRE*
- Stacey Chapman, CROFT & Associates
- Rich Cunningham, LDG Development
- JoAnn Chitty, Selig Enterprises
- Laurel David, Galloway Law Group*
- Doug Dillard, Dillard Sellers*
- Lee Duncan*
- Al Edwards, CERM*
- JD Espana, Piedmont Residential
- Lisa Exley, Volkert, Inc.
- Michele Gillman, Cherry Street Energy
- Dagney Gomez del Campo, The Amherst Group
- Andre Grant-Acquah, Black Opal Realty
- Joel Gross, Metro South CID
- Ann Hanlon, Perimeter CIDs*
- Jennifer Harper, Clark Patterson Lee
- John Harpring, PEC Inc.
- Krystal Harris, ATL Airport CID
- Peter Hortman, Thompson Engineering
- Kimberly Hudgins, HNTB*
- Ashley Jenkins, Gas South
- Natalie Knight, Impact Public Affairs
- Matt Kraczon, PGAL, Inc.
- Steve Labovitz, Dentons*
- Jennifer Larosa, MARTA
- Madeline Lester, Partnership Gwinnett
- Matthew Lee, Tucker-Northlake CID
- Mark Lethbridge, Brown & Caldwell
- Stephen Loftin, Loftin Public Affairs
- Andy Macke, CERM*
- BJ Martin, W&A Engineering*
- Matthew McCormack, Reeves Young*
The Council’s Government Affairs Task Force is a collection of Council members that assembles with every legislative session to discuss and identify critical issues at the state level.
Using a collective voice of leaders across the development industry equips the Council with a united front with which we can engage our state policy makers on issues that affect the ins and outs of the growth sector. This Task Force is an incredible members-only benefit that provides an opportunity to get insight from our members’ companies and get involved in how the Council advocates of their behalf at the state level.
2024 Government Affairs Task Force Members
- Molly McLoughlin, Ohio River South
- Kim Menefee, Cumberland CID*
- David Meyer, DGM Land Planning Consultants
- Pamela Monastra, Clark Construction*
- Taylor Morrison, Atlanta Connector Park Foundation
- Emory Morsberger, Gateway 85 CID*
- Yasmine Murray, H.J. Russell & Co.
- Alyse Murray, Ohio River South
- J. Myers, Ohio River South
- Al Nash*
- Kevin Norton, Empire Communities*
- Paul Oh, Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce
- Sam Olens, Dentons
- John Oliver, Axis Infrastructure
- Martha Pacini, LEO A DALY
- Adam Parker, Carter USA
- Brandeis Parkman, The Malbrue Group
- Michael Rafshoon, MARTA
- Trey Ragsdale, Kaiser Permanente
- Sally Riker*
- Ted Rinehart, Perimeter CIDs
- Malaika Rivers, Chamblee Doraville CID*
- Adam Ross, Cumberland CID
- Christopher Sanders, East Metro CID
- Matthew Saylor, Asana Partners
- Amanda Seals, Cobb Chamber of Commerce
- Joshua Scoggins, Miles Hansford & Tallant
- Ellen Smith, Parker Poe*
- Kyle Smith, Abide Capital Group
- Woody Snell, Lynwood Development*
- Kimberly Steele, CERM
- Tracy Styf, Town Center CID*
- Michael Sullivan, ACEC*
- Christy Tarallo, ACEC
- Ethan Underwood, Miles Hansford & Tallant
- John Wetherald, Russell Landscape Group
- Ross Wetherald, Russell Landscape Group, Inc.
- Mae Whiteside, CKL Engineers
- Matthew Wilder, Pond & Company
- Kristian Wiles, DGM Land Planning Consultants
- Kyle Williams, Williams Teusink*
- Doris Willmer, Willmer Engineering
- James Willmer, Willmer Engineering
* Indicates Council Board Members