Emerging Leaders Initiative Board of Directors 2024-2025

About ELI & its Board of Directors

The Emerging Leaders Initiative (ELI) was created in 2017 with the mission of educating the next generation of leaders on regional issues and the varying sectors within the growth and development industry, facilitating development of new networks with peer and industry leaders, empowering young professionals to seek leadership positions within their own organizations and within the Council for Quality Growth (Council), and maximizing the opportunities provided through Council membership.

The Council for Quality Growth’s ELI Program is run by Council staff and a 10-member Board of Directors. This Board consists of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Chairman Emeritus, and 7 at-large Board Members. Each serves a 2-year term.

The ELI Board of Directors meets monthly to (1) formulate the upcoming ELI program schedule, (2) strategize on ELI membership and member-engagement progress, (3) evaluate and adjust, as necessary, ELI’s adherence to its core mission and progress, and (4) provide updates and other additional input as needed.

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