Georgia Environmental Protection Division Erosion and Soil Control Stakeholders Group to Review Storm Buffer Variance Rules

The Council for Quality Growth has been asked to serve on the Georgia Environmental Protection Division Erosion & Soil Control Rules (E&SC) Stakeholders group to discuss issues regarding stream buffer variances.  This group is currently examining and providing input on two proposed rule changes being considered by the EPD.  The first proposed rule change would create a limit on the duration of stream buffer variances to a prescribed time period.  Currently, the law has no time limit relative to stream buffer variances.  Also being discussed by this group is a proposed rule change that would delete the term “temporary buffer impact” and replace it with “minor buffer impact.”  Woody Snell, a board member of the Council for Quality Growth as well as the President of Lynwood Development Group, is representing the Council on the E&SC Stakeholders group.  The Council will continue to work with the EPD and other members of the E&SC Stakeholders group on these proposals.   The Council would like to thank Woody for his involvement.

If you have any questions regarding this rule change, please contact James Touchton at or Michael Paris at