Henry State of the County Address
“It’s Our Time and It’s Up To Us” was the theme for Commission Chair June Wood as she shared her passion, enthusiasm and vision before a packed crowd at the Council’s recent Henry State of the County address. She highlighted many improvements that have already impacted economic growth in Henry County in just her four months in office, “We must be intentional in how we want our county to change, how we will shape our future and what we offer our citizens – all citizens,” the Chair stated as she spoke about the county’s future land use. She further shared with attendees, “Henry County is at a crossroad and in order to advance, we must have a shared vision, leadership, teamwork and an action plan.”
The Council is excited to work with Chair Wood, commissioners and key staff members as together we build upon that incredible vision of quality growth through ample infrastructure improvements and a strong partnership with planning and building department staffs of Henry County and its four cities.
The Comprehensive Plan update process begins later this summer. Much has changed since its last update 10 years ago, including the recession and other land use concerns, setting the stage for an updated plan. The Council will be closely involved in these conversations, sharing our input in charting a future course that is balanced, sensible and responsible land use applications.
The Highway Corridor Overlay District is the County’s effort to correct current inadequacies in the Comprehensive Plan dealing with what are now outdated “Activity Centers.” Located in different pockets of the County, Activity Centers seemed appropriate when originally developed, but now serve as an obstruction to community growth. Some of the advantages of the new designation includes diversifying the employment base; promoting development patterns that encourage physical activity such as walking and bicycling; encouraging a balance of mix of retail, professional, residential, civic entertainment and cultural uses. Developing corridors will improve traffic around the county and encourage innovative development projects.
The Council continues to be involved with Henry County’s Building Department to find and implement solutions that would make the department more efficient and customer service oriented. As the Council has done in many municipalities, including Atlanta and DeKalb County, we will be providing input into the process from an industry perspective and helping to ensure best practices are implemented.