Join the Cobb Chamber of Commerce for 2013 Health Care Summit on Monday, October 21st

The Cobb Chamber of Commerce is hosting a 2013 Health Care Summit designed to provide citizens and the business community with an understanding of what Health Care Reform means for their organization, and the current politics surrounding the Affordable Care Act and what to do about it.

During this interactive summit, attendees will roll up their sleeves and:

  • Gain valuable insight from keynote speakers, with an opportunity for live interaction and question and answer sessions
  • Participate in 10-person discussion teams led by health care experts
  • Develop an action plan customized for your business, relating to requirements under new laws

Keynote speakers and panelists for the Summit will include:

  • Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens;
  • U.S. Congressman Tom Price;
  • Lt. Governor Casey Cagle;
  • Reynold Jennings, president and CEO of WellStar;
  • Donna Hyland, president and CEO of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta;
  • Ralph Hudgens, Insurance Commissioner for the State of Georgia;
  • Dr. Rob Schreiner, executive medical director at Kaiser Permanente; and
  • Steve Millard, president and executive director of the Council of Smaller Enterprises.
MONDAY, OCT. 21, 2013

7 A.M. TO 3 P.M.

Breakfast & Lunch Included