Join the Council to benefit metro Atlanta’s future and your bottom line.


Your opportunity doesn’t stop or start at the county line –but regulations often do–and that can impact your ability to move a project forward. The Council can help. Our policy, planning, and legislative expertise can help ensure your ability to operate effectively across the metro Atlanta region.

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The Council’s niche is serving at the intersection of public policy and private investment. We advocate for a thriving metro region, working across county lines and city boundaries.  We are engaged in 15 counties and 95 local governments, so wherever you’re working, know that we are too.

The Council is a member-focused organization that is only as strong as those we have seated at the table.

  • We convene the public and private sector to cultivate relationships, develop business-friendly strategies, and work to deliver responsible policy outcomes.
  • Every Council membership level is granted full access to information critical to growth and development via the Council website, weekly email updates and monthly newsletters.
  • Every Council member has the opportunity to voice his or her policy and industry concerns through Council programs and advisory committees.
  • All Council members are served by the only regional organization working exclusively for the growth and development industry.

How does membership benefit you?

Throughout the year, and in many different ways, we convene the public and private sector to cultivate relationships and develop strategies that create business-friendly and responsible policy for you. Benefits of membership include:

  • Advocacy on state and local issues that affect your business and bottom-line
  • Members-only round table discussions with local officials
  • Access to a coalition of development industry leaders influencing the region’s quality growth
  • Connections to public partners and officials who create and implement policies affecting the way you do business