On March 6th, Council staff met the County’s Tree Advisory Committee to address numerous concerns related to the proposed Tree Ordinance Revisions. As a result of the meeting, Council staff has been asked to find members of the industry- particularly landscape architects and designers, engineers, and developers- who are willing to share their thoughts and concerns with members of the TAC at its May 7, 2007 meeting. The meeting is intended to be a “round table” discussion on industry concerns and the TAC’s reasoning for its recommendations. The event will be at 6:00 PM in GJAC’s conference room B, 2nd Floor. Your participation is highly encouraged. If you are interested in attending the meeting or wish to provide feedback on the ordinance, please contact Jerry Presley at 770-813-3373 or email jpresley@councilforqualitygrowth.org. Below is a copy of the proposed revisions: